In the proportion series, I looked at math as dimensions: width verses length and the relationships between them. The works were split down the middle like equations where one size equals the other, albeit rearranged in orientation.
Untitled (Haystack) 1978. 72 x 113”. woven: linen, cotton roving
Untitled (Haystack) detail
Zip II 1980 108 x 9” woven: linen, cotton cord
Zip II detail
1x2/Reverse #2 1981. 15 x 19”. woven: linen, cotton cord
1x2/Reverse #1 1981. 15 x 19”. woven: linen, cotton cord
1x4 1981. 15 x 18”. woven: linen, cotton cord
4:1/#1 1981 15 x 16”. woven: linen, cotton cord
4 Quarters 1981. 12 x 12”. woven: linen, cotton cord
3:1 1982. 72 x 48”. woven: linen, cotton cord
Equals 1981 96 x 15”. woven: linen, cotton cord