I wrote and published The Warp: A Weaving Reference with Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York NY in 1984. The book is intended to be an explanatory and inspirational text for weavers. Below are some excerpts from this second edition published by Lark Books, Asheville NC in 1987 and 1991. Illustrations are by Carol Keller.
front cover, 2nd edition, publishing information
selected material from book: Introduction
selected material from book: Section 1 Yarn
selected material from book: artwork (also shown on cover) in Yarn section
selected material from book: Section 2 Density/Weave Mechanics (examples of illustrations)
selected material from the book: artwork in Density chapter
selected material from the book: artwork bridging chapter 2 Density/Weave Mechanics and 3, launching Finishing
selected material from the book: falls within chapter 4 The Loom, example of double weave construction
selected material from the book: author bio and back cover